Wednesday 9 July 2014

How to Lose fifteen Pounfs in Two Months!

 My weight was up every time I stepped onto the scale
A few friends whom I have not seen for a few months complimented me on how well I look recently.  They said that I have lost quite few pounds, looking healthy and slim.  I was delighted at their observations and told them about the diet I have been on recently.

Portion control and what to eat was an important lesson
I am in my late fifty's and my bathroom scale has been going up every time I stepped onto it. for the past ten years. Recently, after the scale has gone over a certain weight which I never reached before, I became alarmed.

 Retired, with time and ability to travel and enjoy life, I want to be healthy, mobile and look as good as long as I could, therefore I decided to do soemthng about it.

I  went on an eight week eating program, following the plans as outlined from a book written by
Dr. Cabot, an Australian medical doctor. I also included in my diet plan  the portion control principle I learned from the Canadian Heart and Stroke Foundation.

I learned to make raw juice from fresh vegetables during my dieting period
 Before I started on the diet plan, I was not an overweight person nor was I a slender woman. Therefore, my initial intention was not to lose weight but to do a detoxification program for my body and keep my weight steady at what it was.

As I was following the detox program and eating more healthy food, my weight started to drop off!

 Including much more salads in my diet helped me a lot
By the time I was on the diet plan for about a month, I lost more than eight pounds. As a person with a major in nutrition science at university, I knew that my slow weight loss would be more effective and longer lasting than a sudden weight drop.

Though not the easiest thing to do,  I stuck to my detox program and finished the two months regiment. I felt much better and as a side benefit, lost a total of fifteen pounds at the end!

Eating for my health and for my body!

 My husband and I are involved in a lot of community and charitable organizations therefore there are a lot of dinners to attend.

The new me!

It was not easy for me to take part in these functions while I was on this special diet plan.

I am so proud of myself! I am happy that I have achieved my diet goals and lost those extra pounds.

Fitting into all those beautiful clothes hanging in my closet and admiring my slender younger look in the mirror, I am immensely proud of myself, for my discipline and best of all - for learning a new eating and life style that will keep me feeling and looking good in the years to come!

Feeling Great and Proud of Myself!
Will share my diet plan in future blog entries.

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