Monday 25 November 2013

Teaching a Multi Age & Multi Level Sunday School Class

Displaying kids\ work encourage them to do well
When our STM team was here two years ago, there were mostly new believers at the newly established church. Our team members took over many of the programs and Sunday Service during our 2 week visit here. However, I have noticed that this time, only Pastor Monica was involved in both of the Sunday Services while the local church members took up the various tasks of conducting a Sunday workshop such as assuming the role of the chair, the song leader, the AV person, the greeters and the kids' Sunday School teacher.
Setting up a number of activity stations prior to students arriving

The Sunday Service and the children's program went really well as we invited one of the members,  S.M., a teacher candidate working to obtain his professional credential in Penonome to do the teaching part of the Sunday School. 

At first, S.M. was a little nervous saying that he had no experience in teaching kids and that he was not sure what  Sunday School lesson he should deliver.  I encouraged him and gave him some suggestions and asked him to come earlier on Sunday so that we could go over some teaching strategies and preparation for the program.

More challenging activity for older children
Teaching a Sunday School class is not an easy task as this is usually a class comprised of students of mutli ages, mutli levels and diverse learning abilities.

However, the key is in preparation and providing a variety of learning activities that interest the students. S.M. was as good as his words and came real early so that we could walk through the prepared activities and demonstrated to him how to use the teaching material for this two hour Sunday School class. The key points of teaching a multi age and multi level class are:

Simple activity such as colouring for younger children
1. Be prepared and know your students - have everything you need ready and set up everything prior student arrival. Once when students arrive, there is no time to get or look for anything.

2. Be positive and welcoming to the students - We put put the students\ work from last week and praised the students of their good work upon arrival. These kids wanted to do more work as they were inspired by other kids' work hanging for display.

Make sure every child has something that captures their interest

3. Student Safety - is of most paramount importance. Once when students are here, close and careful supervision is needed to ensure student safety. Therefore everything must be ready and do not leave kids to look for anything.

4. Set up a number of Activity Stations throughout the room - Students can be occupied by being engaged in interesting activities. We set up the following stations:

Logo is a popular activity among children
Construction Station - wood building blocks, wooden puzzles
Lego Station
Drawing and Colouring Station
Reading Station
Puzzle Station
Games Station
Trampoline Station

As children arrived, the teachers were there to welcome the kids and direct each to choose an activity they liked to participate in and play at that station.

After a few minutes, they could rotate to another station. This set up worked out well and all the children were actively engaged and we made sure they did not get into any trouble.

The I led the singing in Spanish with the aid of Google search for Spanish bible songs. There were 15 children aged 2 1/2 to 14 years old. Everyone participated well in the singing time.

Grouping the children by age/ ability & assign tasks accordingly
S.M. took over the bible story time and he did a very good job telling the story of David and Goliath. All the kids listened to him attentively as he was speaking in Spanish, the language of instruction in schools in Panama. There was no screaming or running around by the kids. They all stayed in their seats and behaved themselves well.

Praise God! He has raised a good Christian teacher for the community and S.M. will definitely be an excellent Sunday School teacher for the church in Penonome!

Penonome, Panama

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