"R. Why do you go on mission trips? What do you do there?" My friends and family members ask me.
"R. Why do you travel so far away to visit us! Canada is a long way from here? " The local people of the countries I am visiting often ask me these questions.
I, at times, also ask myself these questions and wondering if my short stay at these places would make any differences at all in the lives of others.
I got my answer this time - a resounding Yes, loud and clear!
Our Short Term Mission team visited numerous families and church members in and around the city of Penenome, Panama on this trip. On my second mission trip during this past two weeks,we have witnessed first hand how people have been changed, marriages saved and lives being transformed
The following people really stand out for me:
1. When I met Mr. C. and his wife two years ago, I was struck of how hardworking they were operating a supermarket in Penonome. They worked long hours, seven days a week, always looking exhausted and also not very happy at all. Our last mission team introduced some fun things which he entire church could enjoy together - Line Dancing and some family fun games.
Winning a prize at the Family Night's game |
Later on, other STM team organized Couples' Retreats helping couples to rekindle their love and romances as well as Family Camps to bring families together spending some quality time with each other.
This time, we organized two family nights and encourage families to have fun together.
Mr. C. had so much fun that he broke into a huge smile enough to light up a 1000 watt light bulb! It warmed our hearts to see this hardworking man relaxing a bit and having fun!
Couples holding hands & praying together |
During the weekly prayer meeting, when people broke into small groups for prayers, it was a moving moment when husbands and wives sat together praying while holding each others' hands!
This was an eye opening moment for me about the effectivess of our mission teams' work. Before the couples' retreats, some couples could not even talk to one another!
Couple praying together at Penenome prayer meeting |
Mr. C. told me that his marriage was about to collapse. Because both he and his wife received Jesus, they've learned to trust God with their burdens and have real peace in their hearts!
2. Knowing that we would be leaving in a few days, we drove to the Anton area to San Juan de Dios and visited Mrs. La., the widow of a recently murdered victim.
This was the second time we visited the family this week. We visited them on Tuesday, seeing them again on Friday as we felt that they needed support at this difficukt time.
We went to visti the widow at their store |
With Mr. L. accompanying us on this visit, Mrs. La. was visibly glad to see us again.
She was less stiff, showing more emotions and able to converse with us more. There was even a tiny welcoming smile when she saw us. This was a big break through for her! She had not been able to show emotions or express herself verbally since she had witnessed the robbery/ murder tat her family store.
Mrs. La.'s store in San Jaun De Dios |
The STM team worked well together supporting each other. Pastor Monica sat closely beside Mrs. La while I operated the computer for hymn sing and Helena doing whatever she could to support the family.
Mrs. La had a few questions for us and was much more responsive than the last time we saw her. She was even singing along with us when we started playinng the hymns.
Where the victim was murdered |
At the end, Pastor Monica asked Mrs. La to lead us to the spot in the store where the murder of her husband took place
Together we held hands and prayed for the victim and his family. That was a touching moment and hopefully a closure for the family. We invited the family to attend the Sunday service in Penenome.

After preparing for the Sunday church dinner at the church house, Mr and Mrs. L. went to pick up Mrs. La for our Sunday Service. She did come bringing with her her sister! Both of them stayed for the entire time, participating in the worship.
The church embraced everyone who comes to worship |
Her sister told us that this was the first time they ever went to a Sunday Service and encountered church people.
She really enjoyed it and was glad that she came. Mrs. La, though still not saying much but was evidently more open to interact with others.
We could see the change in Mrs. La and some of the family members. In the darkest hour of their lives, Mrs. La and her family knew that they were not forgotten. They felt the love of God when the congregation of the Penonome CCC reached out to them, visited them and embraced them with love and warmth
Keep praying ! God listens to our prayers! |
I saw the gratitude and the hope in Mrs. La's eyes; it brings me to tears as I am writing this.
I have witnessed the work and the fruits of the Short Term Mission ministry. I will continue to go as long as God allows me the opportunities. God's words are powerful, healing the wounded and bringing comfort to the broken hearted. It's a privilege to be a part of His work!
Short Term Mission Trip
Penonome, Panama
Nov. 2013