Thursday 14 December 2017

Bouncing Back from Grief, Jean Yip - A Newly Elected Member of the Canadian Parliament

There was a federal by election last Monday in Scarborough/ Agincourt.
My husband and I have always been active in helping out during election times at home in Canada. We have been involved in election campaigns since the early 1980's.

One riding whose candidate we help out consistently is the Liberal party candidate of Scarborough / Agincourt in Toronto.

Sadly, Arnold Chan, the passionate elected M.P. died of cancer last September, therefore a by election was held last Monday to fill this vacant seat.

We were surprised and happy to see Jean Yip's election campaign signs going up on the lawns of homes in the area.  We decided that we should help her too.

We went door knocking on for the Liberal candidate.

On election day,  after we picked up our folders for two polling stations from our house captain's house, we went door to door. It was a cold evening and the first day of a big snow fall in Toronto. The traffic was slow and the roads were jammed with cars trying to get to their destinations.

We knocked on doors of those identified as Liberal supporters in the riding reminding them to get out to vote. Some volunteers gave rides to voters who needed transportation to the polling station to cast their ballots.

Though the weather was miserable, we persisted in our task trying to get as many voters out as possible.
It was kind of fun as we visited and knocked on doors of many homes. Using my cell, we paused and I took pictures of some houses with beautiful Christmas light displays.

The media were all set up at Jean's victory party on election night
When it was near closing time, we took our folders back to our polling station. When the voting stopped at 9:30pm and the doors were closed, we assumed the role of scrutineers for our candidate and watched the counting of ballots at the designated voting booth.

Jean Yip, the newly elected M.P. for Scarborough


As each ballot was counted, my heart pounded each time when Jean's main opponent received a vote. In fact, at both my husband's and my voting station, the votes were too close. I quietly prayed for Jean's win.

Win she did! Jean Yip won the election taking more than 50% of the votes.

Relieved and elated, we hurried to the victory party and celebrated with her supporters and volunteers.

Jean  with her family by her side, thanking supporters on her win.

Devastated by her husband's death a few months earlier, Jean inspired many after she picked up the pieces in her life, bounced back  with determination to run for the federal by election.

It was awesome to witness her standing with her three children and family on stage, being declared the winner of the  election.

Jean Yip and her supporters at her  victory party.
Soft spoken, confident, a fighter and hardworking, Jean is a tough person who stands up for what she believes.  She will represent the constituents of the Scarborough/ Agincourt riding well!

Congratulations, Jean! All the best to you in your new role as the federal member of parliament in Ottawa!


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