Monday 16 January 2017

Watching Obama's Parting Speech in Cuba

9:00pm ,Tuesday, January 10, 2017 

We  watched the live broadcast of Obama’s parting speech to Americans from Chicago in Cuba!
The last couple of days since we have been in Cuba, we could only get channels and news reports in Spanish and about Spanish speaking countries such as those in South America.

Though we could not get Wifi service while vacationing here,  we were pleasantly surprised that we could get 24 hour reporting of BBC World News, CNN  and CGTN right here in our hotel room in Cuba!  There was no censorship of these programs and Cubans are free to goggle anything they want about any news in which they are interested. 

Obama’s parting speech focused on “ the state of democracy and understand that democracy does not require uniformity.. What it requires is a basic sense of solidarity. The work of democracy has always been hard…… Politics is a battle of ideas.  ……All of us have more work to do on race relations."

He was tearing up when he paid tribute to his wife, his two daughters, and Joe Biden.  

Obama also paid tribute to the young generation of Americans urging them to be involved and participate in the democratic process of electing and being elected as government officials.

I thought I should mention Obama’s parting speech in my blog since it was a historical moment.We missed the nightly entertainment at the resort this evening because of the Obama's speech but it was all worth it!

Picture Source - BBC World News

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