Thursday 23 June 2016

A Year End Potluck Luncheon in a Don Mills Home

Both my spouse and I  are retired people and  have a little more leisure time. We want to give back to our community and fill our days with meaningful activities.

I love teaching the senior ESL class at a Seniors' Home!
Teaching has always been my passion and I just love it! I  worked in the Ontario education system for over thirty years and nothing will keep me away from teaching even in my retirement.

 Last year, I volunteered to teach an English as a Second Language class to seniors at my mom's senior home. I have been doing that and enjoying the experience ever since.

We attended a lunch party at a house in Don Mills recently

S. has done the same thing and has volunteered in a ESL class since he retired as well.

Volunteering is a way of life for many Canadians, many of whom put forth countless hours each year to make our communities better places for everyone.

Noma has graciously opened her home to host the party for the past eighteen years!
Noma, an elderly lady in her eighties, is one such volunteer.

Realizing that many new immigrants to Canada do have a good foundation of of English language but with few opportunities to practice their oral skills, Noma started an ESL conversation class for newcomers years ago.

A beautiful setting for a party!

Along with a few of her peers, they have been running this conversational class for the past eighteen years!

Noma and her guests in her backyard.

The ESL class takes place on Wednesdays from September to June every year.

At the end of June, Noma will host a year end potluck party in her home to celebrate the coming of summer and the end of another successful year.

Last year, I was invited to attend this party and enjoyed it.

This year when the invitation was extended to me again, I was prepared  and knew what to prepare and bring to the party.

A great variety of dishes from around the world were brought to the potluck lunch at Noma's house!
A creative way of presenting a fruit salad!

A potluck party is a very popular type of gathering in North America.

Instead of the host slaving over the stoves for hours preparing everything for the party,  a potluck party is when every invited guest brings a dish to the party to share with other guests so that the host will not have to cook all the food.

We love potluck parties as there are lots of different dishes from everyone who usually prepares and brings his/ her specialties.

Some people get very creative in the presentation of their food and we love learning from others!

Noma's big backyard had welcome guests for many years!

Noma has a beautiful home in Don Mills with a huge backyard!

A perfect day for a summer gathering!

We could not have asked for a better day for this outdoor gathering.

 It was a lovely breezy summer day!

A guest shared her Spanish music and culture from her native country

There was nothing better than sitting outside and enjoying good food with some great conversations and great music!

Even the little one was enjoying herself at the potluck lunch!

Thank you, Noma, for your great community service for the past eighteen years!  Really appreciate all you have done for the newcomers in the Don Mills community!

Noma's Annual Potluck Party
Don Mills, Ontario

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