Sunday 1 July 2012

Diverse City Day Celebrations - A Great Street Party!

 Happy Birthday, Canada!!!

Canada is 145 years old today and we have much to celebrate and celebrate we did indeed.

What a wonderful celebration and street party that was held last night  just before Canada Day in Charlottetown!

Filipino dancers wowed  us with their dances

Today was Charlottetown's annual Diverse City Day when the city invited the participation and highlighted the different minority groups residing in the area.

Yoko, with her friends from Halifax visiting her, hundreds and numbering around five thousands residents of this lively city, and I enjoyed the displays and activities at this year's Diverse City festival tremendously!

Street party and dancing to great music

There were many musical  and dance performances in the afternoon, food stands for people to sample various ethnic foods. The part I enjoyed most was the free concert outside the Murph's Community Centre where a stage was set up and wonderful Cuban salsa music was played all evening.
Middle Eastern belly dancers delighted the audiences

People  were dancing all evening and the less active ones like us were enjoying the music, the festivities, the sights and sounds, splendid outdoor weather and having a great time!

Great music played all evening long!

There were displays from a number of the ethnic communities, free games, free face painting,  arts and crafts activities set up for kids and demonstrations of different kinds

There was something for everyone at this celebration

I must say whoever did the organization of this event did an excellent job making sure that there were lots of things to do for the little ones and people of all age groups.
Lots of musicians and entertainment on Diversity Day

 All these activities were free for everyone! There was no admission charge on anything except for  free will donations to local charities.

Learning to play an African game

 I looked around at all the happy faces: people of  different races, colour, religion, were together just celebrating and having a great time.

Everyone was welcome to join in the dance on the street

 Nobody cared where you were from, what you were wearing or what language you spoke. All the differences were irrelevant. We were just a human race on this planet.

 Japanese Canadian group invited audience participation

My eyes swelled up with tears when I thought about how fortunate my family, my  loved ones and I were living in Canada where all races of people could get along,  live in peace with freedom and without fears of any wars, major conflicts or problems. 

Thank you, Canada! Happy Birthday and have a great one, eh?

Prince Edward Island

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