The weekend before going to Ottawa, we were busy taking part in a large scale evangelical event for two nights at a church in Richmond Hill, Ontario.

Planning for a city wide event and ensuring the safety of the children who would be entrusted to us was not an easy task.

There were a lot of hard work, planning and meticulous organization involved
prior and during the event.
Pastor Teresa and her team have spent months planning an interesting children's program for both evenings.
There were songs, group games, video puzzles, a wedding banquet presentation, bible plays and even a fun fair on the second evening.

We had a few meetings to go over the logistics of receiving between 200 to 400 children anticipated at the event.
For my part, the most important thing was learning and memorizing my lines. I am not good at memorizing lines as I don't have a good memory.
Fortunately we had a few scheduled rehearsals so we could go over our parts a few times.
The cast also worked to help each other to improvise if anyone forgot his/ her lines.
The evening came and we were all excited!
In the main sanctuary of RCCC there were over three thousand adults present for the special message.
In the gymnasium, we received over 200 children and were assisted by 70 volunteers!
There was as much energy in the room coming from both the audience and from our team.
The children's evanglistic meetings for both of the evenings went really well. We only needed to improve on the sign out procedures at the end as a large number of parents came to take their children home all at the same time.
Our team work at the Richmond Hill church reminded us of my mission trips to Cambodia where we also worked with about 200 children. I praise God for giving us this opportunity to serve Him again right at our doorstep!
RCCC, Richmond Hill
Ont. Canada
May 11 & 12, 2018
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