Wednesday 12 April 2017

Welcoming and Embracing the Diversity of All People - Grace Cathedral, San Francisco

After we confirmed our move to another hotel, we checked out and had the front desk stored our luggage.
Grace Cathedral, San Francisco

We always enjoy visiting other churches and attending a Sunday service in the local church of the city where we are visiting.

As it was Sunday, we took a taxi and made it in time for the

 11 am Sunday service at the Grace Cathedral.

An Episcopal Church, Grace Cathedral is located at the intersection of Jones and California Street in San Francisco.

The Grace Cathedral is a magnificent church decorated with wall murals depicting the past and recent development of the church.

Beautiful murals illustrate the past and recent development of the church inside the Grace Cathedral 

It was a joy to be in the house of the Lord during the fifth Sunday in Lent.

Grace Chapel 1849

The message was shared by Rev. Mary Greene. The reverend preached about Lazarus' death and his burial in the tomb for three days.

Grace Chapel - 1906

She talked about the period of silence and a temporary separation from God such as what had happened to Lazarus.  From time to time, we mighty experience such period in our lives.

Her message helped me to reflect on the times when I felt as if God was silent in my life.

Grace Cathedral 1963

We got to talk to a friendly volunteer who gave us some good information regarding the church.

The building of the church did not happen all at once. It took a number of years due to lack of funds.

Founding of United Nations 1945

Many residents of San Francisco helped to fund raise for the building of the church.

With the involvement of so many people contributing to its fundraising and building, the volunteer stressed to us that Grace Cathedral determined and continued to be a welcoming church for all people.

We saw the Interfaith AIDS Memorial Chapel in the church and asked about it.

The AIdS Interfaith Memorial Chapel

The volunteer explained that
in the 1980's, during the height of the AIDS epidemic, Grace Cathedral was conducting 2-3 funeral services a week for the victims of AIDS.
The Interfaith Chapel includes symbols of other faith

Due to the fear and stigma attached to the disease, the AIDS victims were refused funeral services elsewhere in San Francisco, this church was the default church to hold services for many victims.

A section set aside for families with children

We also saw the section set aside for parents and children.

Jacob's Dream - A Luminous Path

Another interesting thing we saw was an art installation currently being exhibited at the church -  Jacob's Dream: A Luminous Path inspired by the story in the book of Genesis chapter 28.

With the AIDS Interfaith Memorial Chapel, the special seating for families and the various programs being offered to the community, it is evident that the congregation of the Grace Cathedral has been working hard and are serious about embracing the diversity and meeting the needs of the city's inhabitants.

We were glad that we had the opportunity visiting Grace Cathedral and attending a Sunday Service on this trip.

Grace Cathedral
San Francisco

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