Sunday 14 August 2016

Yuntai Garden - Displaying the Colours of China

We took the cable car down to the bottom of the BaiYun Mountain

After our visit to the BaiYun Mountain, we took the cable car and went down to the bottom of the mountain.

Displays of stories and pictures on BaiYun Mt 

On our way out of the BaiYun Garden, there was a really good detail display of history, stories, photos and poems about BaiYun Mountain.

One of the sculptures displayed

I wish we had more time so that we could spend sometime reading and learning about this famous mountain and enjoying the artwork and sculptures displayed.

 Yuntai Garden located right beside the Cableway 

After we descended the Baiyun Mountain via the BaiYun Cableway, we discovered Yuntai Garden, a garden located right beside this famous mountain.

Located at the southern foot of the Baiyun Mountain, the Yuntai Garden covers an area of 250,000 meters, making it the largest landscaped garden in China.

A very interesting tee with a flat trunk!

Since there was still a few hours before darkness descended, we paid a visit to this beautiful garden.

At 10 RMB per adult for admission, it is very affordable for the local people.

There were a wide variety of plants and flowers bursting in brilliant colour in the Yuntai Garden when we were there.

We saw some very special plants and exotic flowers from various places around the globe and we loved looking at everything!


Many interesting plants and trees!

Yuntai Garden is a huge garden with a number of theme gardens such as the Rose Garden, a Friendship Garden, a Rock Garden.

Rock Garden - one of the theme gardens

It would have taken us a whole day to walk through all the theme gardens.

A huge garden with a lot to see, it was easy getting lost among the flowers, shrubs, exquisite buildings and other artwork.

We would have loved to have hiked all the trails,  seen everything but we were too tired to cover all the highlights. 

With numerous gigantic colourful figures placed all over the park, it appeared that the park has a heavy emphasis on children's theme.

What I liked most was the gigantic pottery pieces dotted among the flowers and shrubs around the garden.  

I loved all the gigantic pottery pieces placed in the garden

When the sun started to go down, we ended our fun day enjoying dinner in the restaurant located next to the Yuntai Garden.

Statues decorated the restaurant located beside the Yuntai Garden 

With a window view of the garden and an indoor tiny bridge over a man made pond, the restaurant was the perfect place to relax after a busy sightseeing day!

We ended our busy day enjoying a relaxing dinner !

Yuntai Garden
BaiYun Mountain area
Guangzhou, China

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