Saturday 20 February 2016

Celebrating Success Stories and Sharing the Work of CRRS at the Squamish Retreat

We woke up with the view of the Rocky Mountains outside our hotel room window! They were majestic!!!

View from Our  Balcony at the Executive Suites Hotel Hotel in Squamish, British Columbia

Executive Suite Hotel, Squamish, B.C.

We had a good rest last night at the Executive Suites Hotel, Squamish, B.C. where we are currently attending the CRRS's  International Conference and Retreat.

The agenda of the day was fully packed with numerous workshops and activities.

The first activity was at 8:00a.m.- a Praise and Dance program led by Perry from Vancouver. I was glad that I brought with me some exercise clothes and was able to take part in this half hour event. It was a gentle exercise program. We were able to learn a simple but effective dance exercise routine in thirty minutes!

CRRS International Conference & Retreat - Day 1


Some of the participants at the CRRS Conference
After singspiration led by members of the Toronto CRRS team, there was a sharing presentation by delegates from the various cities where CRRS has chapters established.

Freda reported on the CRRS work in Hong Kong

Each CRRS Chapter works hard all year to achieve the goals and objectives, however, this was the first time we had the opportunity to hear what others were doing in their own respective region.

Esther presented  CRRS's work in Los Angeles/ San Francisco

It was inspiring to hear  how much work has been accomplished by each chapter.

More importantly, it was heart warming  to hear the numerous lives touched and transformed collectively in China by the ministries of CRRS.

One of the important work done by CRRS Chapters is to organize workshops, seminars and conferences for participants in their regions.

Dr. Leung speaking at the conference
The main draw of people to these events is     
Dr. Leung, a scholar and founder of the CRRS charitable organization.                                                                                                               Many people love Dr. Leung and cannot get enough of his lively and informative lectures. Therefore, the concern of succession planning did come up and discussed briefly about assembling a team to continue the mission and work of CRRS in the future.

Forum discussions at the CRRS Conference 

Some CRRS members from the Vancouver Chapter 
Besides listening and learning what other CRRS Chapters were doing in different cities, another interesting and enjoyable aspect of the conference was the presentations by various groups.
This morning the Toronto CRRS team kicked off the morning by leading the singspiraton. Later on in the day, the U.S. CRRS team rejuvenated us in the mid afternoon. They were energetic, creative and enthusiastic.

The U.S. CRRS Chapters leading a lively singspiration

Enjoying and singing with a glow stick at the conference
 They pulled out the stops giving us each a glow stick while we sang, clapped and  moved to the rhythm of the songs. We were turned into high school kids again enjoying our time of singing and praising God. What a whale of time we had at the conference!

 Spencer & His Team organized an amazing conference!

Organizing an international event such as this one took a lot of work, efforts and dedication.

Spencer and his team from Vancouver rose to the occasion! They thought of all the details and gave us all the comforts as if we were in our own homes!

Hats off to everyone at the Vancouver CRRS Chapter! Our heartfelt thank you for making our time so educational and enjoyable here at beautiful Squamish!

I am so glad that we are here to attend this conference!

CRRS International Conference & Retreat, 2016
Squamish, British Columbia

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