Tuesday 13 May 2014

ACE Net's Second Conference, OISE, Toronto

Padmini, P.- ACE Net President and Donna Quan

Networking at the ACE Net Conference, OISE, Toronto
Canada's a multicultural country and we receive immigrants annually from around the world. Due to cultural and language barriers, minority parents, students and educators encounter problems unique to their own cultures.

ACE Net was formed a couple of years ago to address the issues and to advocate for Asian Canadians educators and students.

This year, ACE Net held its second conference at the OISE library in downtown Toronto.

Donna Q. - Director of Education for Toronto Board

Asian Canadian educators are immensely proud of the appointment of Donna Quan as the Director of Education for the Toronto District Board of Education, the first Chinese Canadian who heads a 2 billion budget publicly funded organization and the biggest public board of education in Canada, the 4th largest in North America.

ACE NET invited her as the keynote speaker for the conference.

Barbara Hall, Former Toronto Mayor
It was great to see the good turnout and the prominent speakers and educators who responded to our invitations and attended the conference as speakers and participants.

Some of the speakers included:

Barbara Hall, former mayor of Toronto and currently Chief of the Human Rights Commission, Ontario.

Panelist responding to audiences' questions

A four member panelists for a panel discussion with lots of audience participation.

Participants posting questions for the panelists.

Teachers, administrators, student teachers and other interested educators from across the GTA school boards took part in the conference.

Trustee Rutka sharing her thoughts

There were good information sharing and discussion sessions plus some nice displays.

One of the display at the conference
It was a lot of work planning and organizing a conference involving so many people.

One of our panelist

ACE Net could not have done it without the help of many dedicated volunteers.

ACE Net Volunteers  helping at the conference
It was a great event and a great day for ACE Net!

Congratulations to a successful event!

OISE Library

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