Saturday, 28 December 2024

A Memorial Gathering for My Beloved Friend at the Legacy Funeral Home - Barrie, Canada

I was relieved and glad to hear that Flo decided to have a memorial gathering at the funerla home instead of having an open house at her house in Barrie. We have been concerned about her health and well being since Don passed away a week ago. A loving and dedicated sister, Flo has been by her brother's side since the first day he was admitted to the Royal Victoria Hospital. She was there everyday without any break for a straight 4 month period. Having the get together at the funeral home would make things easier for her and Dou. We arrived at Flor's house shorlty after 10 a.m. and June, Flo's best friend arrived shorlty after. Flo pulled out more pictures from her old albums and asked if I could include them in my ppt for the gathering. I tried my best going through all my albums at home the night before to find pictures of Don and I understood how important it would be for Flo to include more pictures too, so I was busy getting these last few slides ready while the ladies were making sandwiches in the kitchen.
We got to the funeral home a few minutes before 2pm and we had time to set up the slides and the flowers. The room provided by the funeral home was spacious and the set up to receive the guests expected was simple but elegant. There were coffee, tea etc. setup outside the reception room. Another A lecturn with guestbook, and pens and paper to invite guests to write them their thoughts and stories of the deceased were placed just outside the room. Inside the reception room, there was a long table on one side with cookies set out and some space for treats brought in by guests. On the opposite side of the room, there was a table with a nice wooden frame for Don's picture with a flickering candle placed in front of it and two side tables for flowers. At the corner of the room was a good size overhead TV screen where pictures of Don could be shown.
We were glad that we came to this venue for Don's family to receive their friends and relatives wishing to get together and celebrate Don's life. As friends filed in, signed the guest book, they each found a comfortable place to sit, watched the slides about Don's life and had opportunities to talk with one another and shared stories. It was good to hear these stories and funny anecdotes about a man who seemed to be quiet but had great inner strength and could really talk among real friends. It was time to grieve together and accept the reality that our loved ones could just be gone in a matter of a few months' time.
I was grateful to share my storeis with other guests so that I could process my grief. My best friend's death affected me deeply. I still burst into tears often when I talk or think about him.
Farewell, Don McArthur, my dear dear beloved friend. You occupy a very special place in our hearts and we will never forget you. I know you have accepted Jesus at the last moment when I asked you if you wanted to go to heaven so that we could meet again someday. This is a temporary farewell, we will see each other someday in heaven, our eternal home!
God bless your soul! Your beloved friend, RT, Barrie / Toronto 10262024

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