Tuesday, 23 July 2024
Experiencing a Total Eclipse with My Loved Ones in Hamilton, Canada
One of the very special experience we had in 2024 was expereinceing a total eclipse in Hamilton, Canada.
We heard reports both on the radio and tv that there would be a total eclipse that could be viewed in a few cities in Canada. One of which was in the Niagara Falls area.
Niagara Falls is a very famous Canadian tourist destination. Initially, we wanted to spend a night there and also view the eclipse. But after hearing report that there might be a million visitors flocking to Niagara Falls and chekcing the price of the hotels there, we changed our plan. Instead, we drove to Hamilton which would be right on the north edge of the path and the city would see the maxmium solar eclipse for about two minutes. We could also visit our sister and spend a night there.
The next day, after lunch, We walked to the park near my sister's condo about an hour before the eclipse was to take place. People were starting to trickle in to the park with their children, lounge chairs and blankets to keep themselves comfortable.
We strolled around leisurely waiting for this rare natural phenomenmom to take place. The anticipation of this great event had been building for a while. Days before, We called around for special eclipse viewing sunglasses but they were all out everywhere. Our pubic library and the Ontario Science Centre was giving them out for free to people but we didn't get them in time. We thougt we might have to miss it but we were lucky that we found a science shop still had some special glasses in stock.
We got them and off we went to Hamilton and there we were.
It wasn't easy trying to see the sun through these special glasses. Wearing these glasses, what I saw was blackness except for a speck of light which was the sun peeking through from the cloudy sky.If it were a sunny day, the view could have been easier. But it wasn't. We were afraid that we woud have missed the entire solar eclipse due to the cloudy sky.
Around 2pm, the sky slowly turned grey over a period of about ten minntes. Then around 3pm, the sky turned darker and darker and at around 3;18PM for about 1 minute and 47 seconds less than two minutes, the entire sky became black in the middle of the day and the air turned colder. What a strange feeling all of a sudden. The other spectators turned quiet , then uhs and aws as the eclipse progressed.
Then it was over, too short and too soon. How we wished the eclipse could last a little longer. But to experience this wonderful rare space event, I felt immensely grateful that I was a part of nature that day to witness God's creations.
RT, Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
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