Tuesday 20 October 2020

Preparing for My First Zoom Workshop for Parents!

 I have been attending zoom meetings since March, 2020 when the lockdown started.

Without dressing up to go out and getting stuck in traffic congestion, I enjoy my multiple weekly zoom meetings. However, I have not have to present one in a zoom meeting until today.

It was exciting preparing for this new experience. I was a little nervous and spent almost two days to get ready prior to my presentation. The following was what I did preparing for my presentation for my zoom meeting:

1. Prepare a good and interesting presentation on a topic relevant to my audience 

2. Prepare a PPT for my presentation with pictures and key words

3. Pick a location with nice background for the zoom meeting. I moved my computer around the different part of the living room until I was happy with the background.

4. Practise Practise and Practise - With help from my husband, I practiced my presentation in a zoom meeting with him.

There were a few technical challenges which I had to overcome such as getting a full screen view and learning how to share a screen allowing me to share my PPT with my audience. We practised two or three times on the first day until I got familiar with Zoom.

The following day, I called the host of the Zoom meeting and practised with her and going over my prestation slides

5. Setting Up the equipment ahead of time 

On the day of the presentation, I set up two computers on our dining room table a few hours prior to the zoom meeting. I had the extra computer as a back up. I tested both computers and send my PPT to my email address so that I could access my PPT from both computers should I need to. Then I tested everything again to make sure there was no technical problem.

I also set up a big mirror in front of me so that I would know how I look throughout the entire presentation and make adjustment to my outfit etc.

6. Dressing up for the event - An hour before my presentation, I picked an appropriate nice outfit and dressed up for the event.  Instead of lounge wear, it was fun putting on make up and looking nice for a change!

 When everything was ready and done, I was confident and ready to take the world by storm! The zoom presentation went without a hitch! We had an excellent turnout and  the feedback from my audience was positive and complimentary!

Mission accomplished!  




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