Sunday 23 August 2015

An Inspiring Message from Arnold Chan, a Canadian Federal Member of Parliament

This evening was pretty special. Along with four mothers, I started a summer camp for disadvantaged kids in the Scarborough area of Toronto in the late 1990's. The summer camp was well received from the beginning by the community and has been running for almost twenty years!

My husband and I were invited back for the summer camp's celebration dinner and we were placed beside Arnold Chan, the Federal  Member of Parliament for the Scarborough/ Agincourt riding. What an honour it was!  Mr. Arnold Chan was elected in a by-election last year replacing a retiring M.P.

Arnold Chan - Member of Parliament, Scarborough-Agincourt
We did not have an opportunity to meet him until now. What a pleasant meeting it was! He was very interested in knowing what the mandates of our camp and how it helped the young people in the community.

After dinner, Arnold was asked to address the volunteers of the camp briefly regarding how to achieve their career goals.

He gave an inspirational, concise and powerful speech which he termed the three P's ingredients of success:

1. Passion - you must go with your heart and do things that you are passionate about. For Arnold, he was interested in politics and has been involved in volunteering in politics and election activities since he was very young. So running for public office was a natural path for him after becoming a lawyer in Toronto.

2. Persistence - No matter what you are interested in or how talented you are, persistence is the key
to achieving your goals. If you are not successful, keep trying and don't give up!

3. Peers - He always wants to be with people who are smarter than he is so that he could learn from them. Your peers have a great influence on you so choose them wisely!

I was involved in helping out some politicians for a number of elections and was elected riding president for a period of time. But the more I was involved in the inner working of politics, the more disappointed I became as I learned about the corruption and tricks some politicians used to get elected. After a few months, I resigned completely.

With the Senate scandal involving our prime minster's office and the corruptions happened in Montreal city politics, many Canadians were disappointed in our politicians and didn't bother about voting in recent elections.

Though still recovering from his post cancer surgery, Arnold fights hard in the upcoming Canadian federal election. He amazes us with his passion of what he believes, his energy for his work and the interest he shows in the constituents he represents.

It has been a little while since I met a political candidate with such passion, honesty and integrity.
All the best to you, Mr. Arnold Chan, in your upcoming federal election!

Vintage Garden
Scarborough, Ontario
P.S. Mr. Arnold Chan was elected as a Federal Member of Parliament by his constituents in the Scarborough/ Agincourt riding on October 19 during the Canadian Federal Election. Congratulataions, Mr. Chan! 

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