Monday 27 July 2015

The Library of Virginia - A Place Worth Visiting in Richmond, Virginia

Library of Virginia, Richmond, Virginia, USA
The Library of Virginia

When we travel or on our holiday, we usually do not include visiting library on our itinerary. 

However, this time, we were glad that we visited the Library of Virginia!

The Library of Virginia is a beautiful place for Virginians and the public to visit. Located in the downtown area of Richmond, the capital of Virginia, we thought that parking would be difficult.
To our pleasant surprise, parking was not difficult at all!

Library of Virginia - the curving staircase reminds me of southern architecture as well as the movie Gone with the Wind!

Library of Virginia - a modern, spacious and beautiful place to relax and do some reading

There was a big section of parking reserved for visitors to the library in the parking area of the building. After entering the basement level of the building, we took the ticket from the machine.

The Discovery Cafe offered some delicious food on its menu

We stayed in the library as long we needed to and upon leaving the library building, we had a staff member at the reception desk verified our parking ticket. That was it, not painful at all!

The Library also has a cafe where some delicious food was offered the day we visited.
The eating area in the Library

When we were tired, we enjoyed a pulled pork sandwich and other goodies in the eating area.
 It was yummmmy!

A chic outside patio -  Library of Virginia

Library visitors can also relax, have a coffee and enjoy their refreshments outside on the patio.

Since it was a scorching hot day, we preferred to stay in the air conditioned hall.


We were at the library to view the exhibit on Remaking Virginia – a moving and informative exhibition documenting the struggles of African Americans.

Ignorant of the details of the American Civil War, we learned a lot about black Americans and their involvement as soldiers in the Civil War serving on both the Union and the Confederate side.  

The exhibits on the Civil War shows the tenacity of African Americans in securing their civil liberty. 

Abolishing Slavery in the U.S. - 13th Amendment

Though they won their freedom from slavery, they faced many struggles and much hostility from their former masters and the society that profited from their unpaid labour. 

Equal protection under U.S. laws for all - 14th Amendment

Viewing the exhibits, we learned about the significance of the Thirteenth, Fourteenth and Fifteenth amendments.


The Right to Vote for U.S. citizens - 15th Amendment

We gained a better understanding of the harsh and difficult conditions African Americans were living under and the struggles they were facing at the time.

It also helped us to appreciate the opportunities a democratic country could offer to its citizens.

The Fifteenth Amendment
From being slaves and living at others’ mercies to being freely elected into numerous government offices, African Americans have come a long way to gaining their rights to be full citizens and treated with dignity and respect in the U.S. 
Remaking Virginia Exhibition - free admission at the Library of Virginia

The Remaking Virginia exhibition at the Library of Virgina was certainly worth a visit. We were glad that we caught it while vacationing in the Richmond area in Virginia.

Richmond, Virginia
Wk of July 20

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