Friday 6 February 2015

Receiving Visitors From Norway!

 The table is set to receive our friends for coffee and dessert!

Loved and surrounded by our children, immediate family members, we are also very fortunate to have a community of really nice folks who care and support us.

We are grateful to our pastoral staff who often offer encouragement and assistance to us whenever there is a  situation, be it be minor or a serious one.

I am proud of my simple but tasty creations for our guests!

Therefore, we invited Pastor M., her son and his girl friend both of whom living in Norway and were in Toronto for the holiday to come and visit us.
Receiving our guests from Norway

Not a good cook, I can't just whip up something or bake some cookies for our guests in an instance.

However, I did get inspired by a dinner party I went not long ago and created something special for my guests.

Celebrating Pastor Monica's birthday in our home
We sat down at the dining table and before we realized it, we talked for a few hours already! It was really interesting listening to M.'s story, his work and his deep sea diving experience in Norway.

It happened that on the evening of their visit was Pastor M.'s birthday and they brought with them a birthday cake.

We lit the candles, turned off the lights, sang the happy birthday song and celebrated Pastor M.'s birthday right in our home.

I am not a domesticated person who can prepare a fancy dinner that requires hours of work.

Entertaining with simple desserts and tea/coffee

However, I was delighted that with just some simple desserts, we could linger over tea/ coffee, shared our stories and had a fabulous time with our friends all the way from Norway!

Entertaining with Simple Food at Home

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