1. Announcements came over the public announcement system informing the residents that all residents over 80 years old could go down to the clinic for the vaccines.
2. About 10 minutes later, someone came to my mom's unit ready to assist her to go down to the injection site.
3. Chairs were set up in a good distance for the seniors while waiting in line.
4. Each chair was sanitized before another senior sat on it.
5. COVID protocols were followed as each senior was led to different stations before getting the injection.
When the turn came for my mom's injection, I stood beside her ready to translate for her. My mom had no vaccine hesitancy; she was ready to roll up her sleeve and happy to receive it.
As I was standing there witnessing my mom getting the vaccine, I started to cry as I knew that
my mom would have some protection from the COVID 19 virus and that she would start to regain some of her freedom back!
After she got her shot, my mom was asked to go to the recovery room and wait there for 15 minutes to be observed for any possible side effect she might be experiencing. I waited with her. Thank goodness, nothing negative happened. The vaccination was done!
A few weeks later, my husband got his appointment in Waterloo and received his first Pfizer shot. Then a few weeks later, I got mine too. We were so relieved that most of my family elderly members received our first vaccine shots.
We were very fortunate not only did we receive our shots, we could even have a choice of which vaccine we wanted. We were lucky that we all got the kind of shots we all wanted. Praise God and we are looking forward to get our second one.
We were delighted to hear that both of our children living overseas also received their vaccine as well!
Toronto, Canada