Saturday, 28 October 2017

Capturing Happy Memories and the Most Spectacular Sunset on Our Muskoka Lakefront Property

 Week of October 9 2017

Visiting Bracebridge, Ontario,  we stayed at one of the hotels overnight there.  We got up the next day at 8:00am and were down for breakfast before 9am. Florence stayed with us for the night.

Kirby's Beach, Muskoka, Ontario
After breakfast, we met up with D. and D. at McDonald's for a coffee.  There was a news item about Melania Trump fighting for her title as Trump’s first wife claiming that she was the first lady and we had quite an interesting discussion about that.

It was spending time like this with friends and family that made me feel attached to our little cabin by the lake. Cottage time is when we let our hair down, have fun and bond with our families and dear friends.

Later, we drove downtown Bracebridge and walked around the stores. Florence bought a few books about Maud Montgomery in one of the hip furniture store while I bought a dress made of bamboo fabric at another. I rarely bought a dress and paid more than Can.$100.00. This was a souvenir for myself from Bracebridge , I told myself. The sales lady and I got talking and she told me to check out some waterfront properties nearby which we did. It gave us an idea what to expect of other waterfront cottages. We also drove around the parks and beaches in the area.

It was almost 4pm by the time we got to The Fern.

D. and D. started disassembling the bunk beds in the cabin .

Our friends have been with us all these years from day 1 on this beloved property of ours when we were young and energetic.

We have grown old together.

 I went around videotaping this happy place where we spent many summer nights in our younger days.;

We slept in this little cabin we built together.

I still remember vividly climbing up to the roof, straddling on the top hammering away and nailing the shingles down while the guys on the ground marveled at my fearless of height and my ability to do so.

We were in our thirty's' and forty's then.

View of the Lake from our little cabin

I wanted to capture the beautiful fall scenery as well as to preserve digitally the many fond and happy memories we have had here.

Our friends threw darts on this green grass.

We had numerous wonderful picnics and great times at our cabin by the lake.

We swam and paddled our boat across the lake to the other side.

We landed and explored the island together.

One time, D. and D. were caught by the owner of the island and were spoken to sternly by him.

Our friends also helped us built a dock and we stood there proudly getting in and out of our boat.

So much has had happened on this cottage property.

This has been a place where we got away from the city.

We love all the trees and natural vegetation of our place.

Before we realized it, it was dusk.

We saw the most spectacular Muskoka sunset and the change of colour this time!

A most spectacular Muskoka sunset unfolded before our eyes!

The beauty of the sunset took our breath away!

The beauty of the scenery literally took our breaths away!

It was like watching a master artist painting on his canvass step by step.

 I was speechless at how magnificent the scenery was.

How I wished we had spent more time like this at our cabin!

Again, I asked myself this question: Did we do the right thing selling our lakefront property?

In about half an  hour, it all became dark.  We managed loading up the trailer, putting the disassembled bunk beds with the boat on top of it. I finished sweeping the floor, arranged the couch, the lawn chairs and lit the candles on the shelf.

After we took away most of the furniture and supply boxes, the cabin looked much more spacious.

Our last evening in our little cabin by the lake!

We sat down and I took more pictures inside the cabin.

 I was overcome by my emotions and  started crying on my husband's shoulder.

I could not believe how attached I felt towards this little cabin and this waterfront property. I asked my hubby and our friends to join hands and thanked God for His blessings in this cabin.

Good bye, our beloved little cabin.
Thank you for all the great memories for the past 27 years!
We'll surely miss you!

Muskoka, Ontario

Tuesday, 17 October 2017

Saying Good Bye To Our Muskoka Lake Front Property

We love our Muskoka lakefront getaway!

I was glad that we were with our closest friends for the past two days.

It was not an easy decision and we agonized over it for some time. Finally, we signed an offer to sell our lake front property in Muskoka and would be closing the deal this Friday.

S. and I went up to our little get away cabin on T. M. Lake. We stopped at Webers for a picnic lunch. We met up with D. and D. at the McDonald at Bracebridge on Tuesday after the Thanksgiving holiday. The weather was mild but cloudy.

After checking in at the Sleep Inn with Florence, we went to the lake. Though I preferred to remember our wonderful time at The Fern on our last visit,  a few things we saw up there was quite upsetting to us. Someone used a black marker and wrote high water mark on the lower left hand side of our cabin.

When our son went to the lake in July, he told us that our boat was missing.  Dou found it laying on our neighbour's property. Not sure at the beginning if it was our boat, we went over to see. Once we saw it, we knew for sure that it was our boat and we got it back to our side.  Both D. and D. have sharp eyes and we were glad the that they were with us on our last visit.

After we got the boat back to our property, we went for a walk passing by the neighbours’ houses.

A walk around our lake front neighbourhood

The more we walked the more I realized how beautiful our property was. Did we do the right thing selling it?

Our last dinner at our lake front cabin

After a short walk, we came back for dinner. I  brought with me some turkey dinner from home and we had a bit of everything to eat.  This was the last dinner we had at the Fern. How sad!

Building a camp fire by our lakeside cabin

After dinner, D. and D. built a fire and we sat around to share the most memorable time we had at The Fern.

View of the Three Mile Lake from our cabin

We looked at the bright stars in the sky and admired the beauty of nature. Again I asked myself: Did we make the right decision selling our place?

There were so many fond memories and fun time at our lakefront property. We remembered the time when we brought Martha here, an innocent 14 year old girl who was entrusted to me by her parents to learn some outdoor skills.

Sitting & talking around a camp fire was an important part of our trip at our cabin.
D. was teaching her how to build a fire therefore sent her to look for some matches.  I reached into my pocket and what I thought was a matches box I got recently from a friend.  I took it out and handed it to Martha. She took this matches box back to D. Minutes later, both of them burst into the loudest and heartiest laugh I had ever heard.

What Martha pulled out from the matches box I gave her was not matches, but a brand new colourful condom! It was the funniest thing as I thought about how Martha's parents would react when I tell her later. I would never forget that. 

Last night as owners by the lake with close friends 

And then there was the time when the Armstrong’s came camping with their kids. She was wearing a bathrobe. We sat around the table and talked about soap opera watching housewives draped in their bathrobes with hair curlers in their hair. We had so much laughter together.

Then it was that time when D. was busy picking up all the fallen branches around the property and enjoyed burning them so much that we nicknamed him the arsonist. These were the days! It was so much fun reminiscing the good times spent with our friends and families by the lake.

We have had a lot of enjoyment at our Muskoka property over the years.

It was well past 8pm and darkness had descended upon the lake. The temperature was falling fast so we took Florence with us to Sleep Inn and had a good night of sleep there.

Muskoka, Ontario

Saturday, 14 October 2017

A Meaningful Fundraising Weekend and Thanksgiving Dinner at 105 Gibson Centre, Markham

A volunteers setting up for the Walkathon event at 105 Gibson Centre, Markham

For the past couple of months, we have been busy planning and organizing for a few events at church and for the community church.

There were a lot going on at the Cultural Cafe, 105 Gibson Centre, on Doors Open Markham
105 Gibson Centre is often a gathering place for our visually impaired residents 

105 Gibson Centre is a non profit community centre providing services to residents and serving those in  need in our community.

We held a few fundraising events recently including the Thrift Store sale

The funding to operate our centre and its programs depends mainly on:  The kindness and generosity of donors who share our desire to help and serve the local community

Many people came out and shopped at the Centre's Thrift Store

The lions share of the funding come from the centre's fundraising activities such as Thrift Store sales, Walkathon, Gift card sales and piggy banks campaigns/

The popular Thrift Store sales raise a good amount of funds for 105 Gibson Centre

Donors can be assured that every cent of  the funds rasied will be accounted for and used in one of our six core ministries:

Young visitors had fun in our Youth Room


  •        Youth Services
  •            Abundant Life Program for Seniors
  •        Community Needs such as food bank and free tax clinic
  •        Community Classrooms
  •            Cultural CafĂ© in support of the VIPs ( Visually Impaired People)
  •        Sports Program

This year, I was involved in the planning and
      running of the centre's annual Walkathon 
      fundraising event. 

We welcome many visitors during Doors Open Markham

      105 Gibson Centre was also chosen by the city of Markham as one of their sites for their annual Doors Open Markham event.  



   We were all busy getting organized and prepared for this  two events as well as a Thanksgiving Dinner on the following evening. 
Rev. Ng and some of the visitors

      It was extremely satisfying for me to welcome so many walkers and families from our community into our centre. 


This cute little dog waited for his master at the garage sale

105 Gibson Centre's  4th anniversary &Thanksgiving dinner 

 The next day, we celebrated 105 Gibson Centre's  4th anniversary  at a Thanksgiving dinner and we thanked our volunteers for their involvement  and participation in the centre's programs and services.

Lauren Liu singing for us at the Thanksgiving Dinner

 It was a wonderful and most meaningful Thanksgiving dinner we have had so far. 

The Thanksgiving Organizing Committee

AAt the end of these exhausting and fun fundraising activities, it was exhilarating to see the positive reactions from our visitors and the results generated. We raised almost Can.$ 100,000.00! Praise God!

A wall mural painted by a student at 105 Gibson Centre

105 Gibson Centre
Markham, Ontario